Leo Foulger

How long have you been with the GMG and where are you located?

From 1st January 2000 until 2004 when I took a 15 month ‘sabbatical’ and then from 2006 until the present day – located at Chelmsford.

What does your job entail?

Imagineering new subsea technologies within a multi-talented team driving what is achievable by Global Marine Group’s adapted resources.

What is the best thing about working at GMG?

Great people and team ethics. People look out for each other.

In terms of successes, which accomplishments are you most proud of?

I was part of the team that designed, tested and installed the worlds smallest form factor repeater in 2009 and the first system deployment is still fault free today (apart from locals digging up the beach to melt the copper in the cable back in 2011!) Also, the recent deployment of the first SMART demonstrator system, integrated at Chelmsford, to monitor seismology events and localised pressure and temperature across active tectonic plate subduction zones