The Global Marine Group is pleased to announce the new ownership of the business by Keppel Infrastructure Fund, a fund managed by Keppel.

Modern Slavery Statement May 2023

Our Business:

The Global Marine Group (GMG) is a market leader in offshore engineering and consists of two business units; Global Marine providing fibre optic cable solutions to the telecommunications and oil & gas markets, and OceanIQ, providing industry leading subsea cable data, route engineering, permitting and consultancy services for telecom and power cable route planning projects. The combined experience and knowledge has led to significant, embedded intellectual property and an enviable track record of successful project execution. Although we operate predominately in Western Europe, our Maintenance and Installation projects have a global reach. Our offices, depots and base ports are in Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Bermuda, United Kingdom, Singapore and the Philippines.

The Global Marine Group has zero tolerance of Modern Slavery in all its varying forms both within the GMG companies and their supply chains.


This statement covers the period of 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022, in line with the GMG financial year.

Corporate Policies:

Control Measures:

All new Vendor Requests are reviewed against Modern Slavery risk against the following criteria:

  • Industry Risk;
  • Country Slavery Risk:;
  • Country Corruption Risk:;
  • Freedom of Political Rights & Civil Liberties:

Where a higher risk is identified, a self-assessment questionnaire is completed by the potential supplier and assessed accordingly.

GMG on-boarded 145 new suppliers in 2022. Of those none were identified as high-risk suppliers.

2023 Plan:

  • Continuing to work with our partners with our risk rating matrix to our new ERP software (IFS 10)to improve performance management of suppliers adhering to our corporate policies regarding Modern Slavery
  • Increase the number of Supplier Audits – including review and assessment of supplier CSR Policies

2022 Activities:

  • A draft GMG Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire was completed
  • Modern Slavery topics and the Supplier Code of Conduct was added into an employee re-induction program called Global Reconnect
  • We provide periodic training to our personnel on the subject of modern slavery and our policies to address the risks to help increase education and awareness

Declarations of acceptance of GMG Supplier Code of Conduct from critical Suppliers.

GMG remain committed to the participation and responsibility of eradicating Modern Slavery from its supply chain.

Alex Suddick, Group Procurement Manager

Modern Slavery Statement July 2021

Our Business

Global Marine Group (GMG) is a market leader in offshore engineering and consists of four business units; CWind delivering power cable and asset management services topside and subsea to the offshore renewables and utilities market, Global Marine providing fibre optic cable solutions to the telecommunications and oil & gas markets, Global Offshore delivering trenching and power cable lay services to the oil & gas industry and OceanIQ, providing industry leading subsea cable data, route engineering, permitting and consultancy services for telecom and power cable route planning projects. The combined experience and knowledge has led to significant, embedded intellectual property and an enviable track record of successful project execution.

Although we operate predominately in Western Europe, our Maintenance and Installation projects have a global reach.
Our offices, depots and base ports are in Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Bermuda, United Kingdom, Singapore and the Philippines.

Global Marine Group has zero tolerance of Modern Slavery in all its varying forms both within the GMG companies and their supply chains.


This statement covers the period of 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020, in line with the GMG financial year.

2020 saw a Group spend of ~USD112m across ~1,200 suppliers, worldwide.

Corporate Policies:

GMSL-A-KA-0030 – Code of Conduct

GMSL-A-KA-0049 – Anti Bribery Policy

GMG-B-KA-0001 – Supplier Code of Conduct

Control Measures:

All new Vendor Requests are reviewed against Modern Slavery risk against the following criteria:

  • Industry Risk;
  • Country Slavery Risk:;
  • Country Corruption Risk:;
  • Freedom of Political Rights & Civil Liberties:

Where a higher risk is identified, a self-assessment questionnaire is completed by the potential supplier and assessed accordingly.

GMG on-boarded 453 new suppliers in 2020.  Of those none were identified as high-risk suppliers.

2021 Plan:

  • Add a risk rating matrix to our new ERP software (IFS 10) to improve performance management of suppliers adhering to our corporate policies regarding Modern Slavery
  • Increase the number of Supplier Audits – including review and assessment of supplier CSR Policies

2020 Activities:

The following were completed:

  • A draft GMG Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire was completed
  • Modern Slavery topics and the Supplier Code of Conduct was added into an employee re-induction program called Global Reconnect

2019 Activities:

The following were completed:

  • Declarations of acceptance of GMG Supplier Code of Conduct from critical Suppliers.

Global Marine Group remains committed to the participation and responsibility of eradicating Modern Slavery from its supply chain.

Steven Lane

Head of Procurement

Modern Slavery Statement June 2020

Our Business:

The Global Marine Group (GMG) is a market leader in offshore engineering and consists of three business units; CWind delivering power cable and asset management services topside and subsea to the offshore renewables and utilities market, Global Marine providing fibre optic cable solutions to the telecommunications and oil & gas markets and Global Offshore delivering trenching and power cable lay services to the oil & gas industry. The combined experience and knowledge has led to significant, embedded intellectual property and an enviable track record of successful project execution. Although we operate predominately in Western Europe, our Maintenance and Installation projects have a global reach.  Our offices, depots and base ports are in Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Bermuda, United Kingdom, Singapore and the Philippines.
The Global Marine Group has zero tolerance of Modern Slavery in all its varying forms both within the GMG companies and their supply chains.

Summary: This statement covers the period of 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019, in line with the GMG financial year.
2019 saw a Group spend of ~USD160m across ~1,400 suppliers, worldwide.

Corporate Policies:

GMSL-A-KA-0030 – Code of Conduct
GMSL-A-KA-0049 – Anti Bribery Policy
GMG-B-KA-0001 – Supplier Code of Conduct

Control Measures:

All new Vendor Requests are reviewed against Modern Slavery risk against the following criteria:

  • Industry Risk
  • Country Slavery Risk:
  • Country Corruption Risk:
  • Freedom of Political Rights & Civil Liberties:

Where a higher risk is identified, a self-assessment questionnaire is completed by the potential supplier and assessed accordingly.

GMG on-boarded 358 new suppliers in 2019.  Of those none were identified as high risk suppliers.

2020 Plan:

  • Develop the assessment process of supplier self-questionnaires and follow up;
  • Evolve Supplier Audits to include Modern Slavery review;
  • Incorporate Modern Slavery and Supplier Code of Conduct into employee re-induction programme;

2019 Activities:

The following were completed:

  • Declarations of acceptance of GMG Supplier Code of Conduct from critical Suppliers.

2018 Activities:

The following were completed:

  • Established a Supplier Code of Conduct to clearly set out our expectations of our Suppliers;
  • Included Supplier Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery discussions in new employee inductions;
  • All GMG Supply Contracts and Standard Terms and Conditions include Business Ethics and Modern Slavery clauses;
  • GMG did not further develop the assessment process of supplier self-questionnaires and follow up.

GMG remain committed to the participation and responsibility of eradicating Modern Slavery from its supply chain.

Full document

Modern Slavery Statement 2019

Our Business

The Global Marine Group (GMG) is a market leader in offshore engineering and consists of three business units; CWind delivering power cable and asset management services topside and subsea to the offshore renewables and utilities market, Global Marine providing fibre optic cable solutions to the telecommunications and oil & gas markets and Global Offshore delivering trenching and power cable lay services to the oil & gas industry.

We operate predominately in Western Europe, but our Maintenance and Installation projects have a global reach. Our offices, depots and base ports are in Canada, Netherlands Antilles, Bermuda, United Kingdom, Singapore and the Philippines.

The Global Marine Group has zero tolerance of Modern Slavery in all its varying forms both within the GMG companies and their supply chains.


This statement covers the period of 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019, in line with the GMG financial year. 2018 saw a Group spend of USD145m was across 1,511 suppliers, worldwide.

Corporate Policies

Control Measures

All new Vendor Requests are reviewed against Modern Slavery risk against the following criteria:

  • > Industry Risk;
  • > Country Slavery Risk:;
  • > Country Corruption Risk:;
  • > Freedom of Political Rights & Civil Liberties:

Where a higher risk is identified, a self-assessment questionnaire is completed by the potential supplier and assessed accordingly.

GMG on-boarded 303 new suppliers in 2018. Of those 1 was identified as high risk and 2 as medium risk.

High Risk:

  • > Manufacturer of Fire Doors, based in China – Code of Conduct reviewed, no obvious policies on Modern Slavery. One off use, to be reviewed if engaged again.

Medium Risk:

  • > Personnel Provider – Based in Hong Kong – Desk Top Score Card completed. Provider of skilled and experienced marine crew, internationally know organisation. Actual Risk is low.
  • > Insurance Provider – Based in the Philippines – Desk Top Score Card completed. Professional services (Bonds). Actual Risk is low.

2018 Activities

In 2018 GMG completed the following activities:

  • > Established a Supplier Code of Conduct to clearly set out our expectations of our Suppliers;
  • > Included Supplier Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery discussions in new employee inductions;
  • > All GMG Supply Contracts and Standard Terms and Conditions include Business Ethics and Modern Slavery clauses;
  • > GMG did not further develop the assessment process of supplier self-questionnaires and follow up.

2019 Plan

  • > Develop the assessment process of supplier self-questionnaires and follow up;
  • > Evolve Supplier Audits to include Modern Slavery review;
  • > Roll Out Procurement Workshop for Modern Slavery and Supplier Code of Conduct;
  • > Formally and Proactively issue Supplier Code of Conduct to all Suppliers.

GMG remain committed to the participation and responsibility of eradicating Modern Slavery from its supply chain.

Paul Thomas
Head of Procurement
Board and Director Approval Provided by Ian Bryan, Managing Director Group
Business Operations 10th April 2018.

Modern Slavery Statement 2018

The Global Marine Group has zero tolerance of Modern Slavery in all its varying forms both within the GMG companies and their supply chains.

Control Measures:

All new Vendor Requests are reviewed against Modern Slavery risk against the following criteria:

  • > Industry Risk;
  • > Country Slavery Risk:;
  • > Country Corruption Risk:;
  • > Freedom of Political Rights & Civil Liberties:

Where a higher risk is identified, a self-assessment questionnaire is completed by the potential supplier and assessed accordingly.

GMG has undertaken a desk based assessment of risk with its top 100 (by spend) suppliers, utilising a scorecard based assessment, resulting in 32 suppliers identified as Medium risk and zero High risk. During 2018 these Medium risk suppliers will complete self-assessment questionnaires for further review and identification of any required mitigation/compliance actions.

In 2017 GMG added a section for Modern Slavery review to its Supplier Audit requirements and all new Contracts have provision and obligations for ethical trading and compliance to the Modern Slavery Act.

In 2018 GMG aims to:

  • > Develop a Supplier Code of Conduct to clearly set out our expectations of our Suppliers;
  • > Develop the assessment process of self-questionnaires and follow up;
  • > Extend training and awareness to the wider GMG business (outside of procurement);

GMG remain committed to the participation and responsibility of eradicating Modern Slavery from its supply chain.