The Global Marine Group is pleased to announce the new ownership of the business by Keppel Infrastructure Fund, a fund managed by Keppel.


We define sustainability and governance through our Environmental, Social Responsibility & Governance (ESG) commitment:

Environmental – our impact on the world

Social Responsibility – our contribution to our communities

Governance – how we conduct ourself

As an organisation, Global Marine Group aim to be an ethical and socially responsible participant in the communities and environments in which it operates.

We view sustainability and governance as an integral part of our organisation and business operations and recognise its value.

The long-term success & growth of GMG relies upon our continued ability to improve the quality of services & products we deliver, whilst fulfilling effective duties of care to operational safety, human health, equality & diversity, environmental protection for future generations & community engagement.

Our Commitment


Implementation of our Environment & Sustainability Management Systems and associated guidance, including maintaining our internal SEEMP and our external ISO 14001 & ISO 14064 certifications

Reduce carbon emissions from all our activities by 40% by 2036

Achieve carbon neutrality across the company’s entire carbon footprint by 2050


We are committed to driving social change by prioritising the wellbeing of our employees, and by promoting diversity, equality and inclusion

We focus on community engagement through our volunteering programme and our long-standing support of the Ninos Pag Asa Centre


We pledge to uphold sound business practices within our organisation and whilst working with partners, customers and suppliers

We have zero tolerance of bribery, fraud, and other types of inappropriate business behaviour

Reducing our carbon footprint

We are constantly considering the potential impact of our activities on our environment and preserving it as much as possible from any pollution – whether that be from our work at sea, or our shore-based activities.

In doing so, we always comply with laws, international standards, and agreements in all areas where we operate.

Implementation of our Environment & Sustainability Management Systems and associated guidance and our external ISO 14001 & ISO 14064 certifications

In conjunction with our Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP) which promotes energy efficiency in our fleet, we are focused on a fleet replacement program to reduce our long-term carbon emissions.

Supporting our community in the Philippines

Our primary charity is the Ninos Pag Asa Centre, based in Olongapo, Philippines. It is an centre for those who are not supported by any other agency, giving medical assistance, educational programmes, skills training and community-based rehabilitation to its residents as well as those in the wider community.

The Group has been supporting the centre since Cable Retriever, the company’s vessel supporting the local maintenance region, arrived in 1998.

Every year Global Marine Group provides funds for meals, electricity, water and hygiene supplies as well as school tuition fees, building development, operations and help to make Christm a special time of year for all the residents.

Read a recent update from the Ninos Pag Asa Centre written by one of our captains

Volunteering across the globe

Volunteering is really important to us at Global Marine Group. We give each of our employees across the globe up to three days of paid leave to take part in volunteering opportunities within their local communities ensuring that we do our part in giving back.

“The volunteering programme run by the business is a great initiative. It’s an important way to allow staff to showcase and support the issues that are important to them – like we did with the walk challenge for Motor Neurone Disease Association.

I’ll definitely take part in next year’s big challenge and it’s also planted the seed for doing more community voluntary work in the future as well.” Claire, Finance Business Partner.

Read more about the recent MeaNDA 60km walking challenge.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

As a company, we commit to operating in a way that creates progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We have identified 5 of the 17 goals where we believe we have the greatest ability to deliver a positive impact and where we will focus our efforts in the medium-term:

3. Good Health and Wellbeing

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Build resilient infrastructure

13. Climate Action

14. Life Below Water

Read more about the IMO and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers and all those that we work alongside is of vital importance to us and is paramount to our success.

Ethics Concerns

As an open and transparent organisation, Global Marine Group provides the Ethics Concerns program for employees, partners, stakeholders and members of public to report concerns regarding potential unethical practices in a secure and confidential way.

Go to our Ethics Concerns Programme


Our certifications demonstrate our long standing vow to respect the environment we work in; our pledge to be vigilant in our approach to health & safety; and our passion for delivering outstanding quality.

View all Global Marine Group awarded certifications

Corporate Policies

Our policies are a strategic link between the Global Marine Group vision and how we manage our day to day business. They apply to everyone who works for or with Global Marine Group in whatever capacity and have been designed to help our colleagues understand their role within the Company, their responsibilities to the Company, and the Company’s responsibility to them.

Read all the core Global Marine Group policies