The Global Marine Group is pleased to announce the new ownership of the business by Keppel Infrastructure Fund, a fund managed by Keppel.

Global Marine Group to Ride 350km for corporate charity, the Jubilee Sailing Trust

Next week, a team of amateur and enthusiastic riders from Global Marine, CWind and Global Offshore, all part of the Global Marine Group, will be taking part in a two-day cycle challenge. The challenge will cover a distance of 350 kilometres starting at our depot in Grimsby, travelling over the North Yorkshire Moors, and finishing at our Blyth Offshore Support Hub.  

It is not only a personal challenge for the riders but an excellent opportunity to raise sponsorship for a very worthwhile charity supported by the organisation, The Jubilee Sailing Trust ( The JST takes both disabled and able-bodied people to sea on their purpose build tall ships, promoting equality, sharing, and to celebrate individual differences by working together to achieve greater things.

GMG would like to thank suppliers, partners and friends who have kindly sponsored the event: MODUS, OREC, JME, ETA, Quadrant, Prysmian Group, H&Askham, Fugro, PSCSL, Bollington, Willis and Endurance Worldwide. To make a donation, please click here: